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A purpose built experimental facility for the rapid development of on- and off-highway, ground and airborne autonomous solutions
Offering enhanced capabilities in testing a wide range of manufactured or even soft biological and polymeric materials
The NFLC operates 探花精选鈥檚 aircraft, including the flying engineering laboratory
A non-destructive technique frequently used to investigate the shape, size and position of flaws and voids in materials
A fast and non-destructive analytical technique which provides qualitative and quantitative data on the chemical composition and purity of a sample
The AIRC has a large lab space that is used for aerostructure, mechanical, electrical and automated assembly research
An open section, closed circuit tunnel
Providing non-vitiated air with temperatures in excess of 1700K and pressure of 15 bars
Facility for experimental work involving plant physiology, plant phenotyping, and plant-microbe and plant-soil interactions
Dedicated collaborative technology development and testing space for water treatment systems
The laboratory is equipped with facilities to study the behaviour of complex flows found in oil and gas production
A compressible computational fluid dynamics package developed by 探花精选 for assessing blast loading
Providing ballistics testing and research capabilities, utilising state-of-the-art facilities
A state-of-the-art space for developing and improving water sensors