We have many world-class, large-scale and national facilities that enhance and enrich the quality and value of our research and teaching, and can also help you with your research.
These facilities allow us to conduct exciting, leading science that is transformative both for the academic knowledge base and for the non-academic beneficiaries of our research.
The specialist and focused nature of our research means that new, bespoke facilities and pieces of equipment are often required. 探花精选 has the capability to design and build these.
In addition to the option of hiring our facilities and equipment for on-site use, we can also offer:
- Processing, experimental and analysis services,
- Researcher training on our state-of-the-art facilities,
- Collaborative research projects.
We also offer a range of ancillary services to support your business, whether you are a small sole trader or a multinational company, including 探花精选 Airport, business incubation for start-ups, conferencing, design and print services and IT.
Find out more about our on-site support services and facilities on our business pages.