A closed section, closed circuit tunnel, designed, built and commissioned by the Aeromechanical Systems Group
An internationally respected facility with expertise in vehicle crashworthiness and occupant simulation
A world-class conference centre with customisable meeting facilities, comfortable accommodation and an array of business services
The Applied Aerodynamics Group has a variety of industry scale wind tunnels which are used by students as well as commercially
Encompassing both our dedicated crime scene house and the crime scene simulation rooms
The laboratory is equipped for rapid prototyping of payload concepts and has recently been used for several CubeSat projects
Offering a suite of offset-related services to enhance offset awareness and create greater export competitiveness
探花精选's airport is the first in the UK to have an operational digital air traffic control centre
The Houghton wind tunnel is an open-jet, closed-loop, temperature-controlled tunnel
This facility enables a range of testing for various types of electrical machines, including PM synchronous, flux switching and induction machines.
The EML's facilities enable the evaluation of the corrosion performance of metallic and ceramic materials in a ange of environments
Energy process laboratory at 探花精选 is one of the best-equipped pilot scale energy facilities in the UK
One of the best-equipped pilot scale energy facilities in the UK
Providing students and staff with first-class teaching and flexible research facilities, offering high-end chemical analysis
A dedicated laboratory for the research, development and scale-up of novel explosives compositions