In world-class company

We have unrivalled links with business, industry and governments. We have mutually beneficial relationships with nearly 1,500 organisations around the world, from the smallest owner-managed SMEs to the largest multinational conglomerates, British and international universities, non-government organisations and governments. Organisations offer internships, graduate employment opportunities and research projects to our student body.

For our partners, we deliver world-class science and education with a practical, business-focused edge. We can assemble teams of experts from across our skill sets, often in collaboration with other universities and consultants to meet challenges of your business. Many of our academic staff have also spent considerable portions of their careers in industry or government.

Strategic partnerships

We have 14 formal, high-level industry strategic partnerships reflecting long-term and deep relationships across academic, research and innovation activities. Many of these partnerships underpin our extensive Innovate UK and Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) portfolios.

  • Airbus
  • AWE
  • BAE Systems
  • Babcock
  • Boeing
  • Dstl
  • Pepsico
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Rolls Royce
  • Severn Trent
  • Siemens
  • Spirit Aerosystems
  • Thales

Employer partnerships

Employer partnership organisations provide internship, work placement and graduate scheme opportunities to ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ students. The Employer Engagement Team within the Careers and Employability Service provide a bespoke talent management service designed to support organisations’ hiring strategies.  or visit the Employer Partners page to find out more. You can also contact the team on