The Sue White Fund for Africa has partly funded several (Silsoe Aid for Appropriate Development) projects – details can be found below. The SAFAD charity supports volunteers who work with local organisations on existing and new projects. The volunteers provide technical assistance and expertise and receive field experience. It is an opportunity for very specific and practical education to be put to work directly to help those in most need. Every SAFAD volunteer has been a very recent 探花精选 graduate or postgraduate student coming from across the University, in areas such as water, soil and environmental sciences, engineering, management and health.

Every SAFAD volunteer has been a very recent 探花精选 graduate or postgraduate student coming from across the University, in areas such as water, soil and environmental sciences, engineering, management and health.

The Sue White Fund for Africa provides funding to enable students to study for a PhD at 探花精选 in a topic related to Professor White’s research.

Promoting water treatment – clay-pot filters and behaviour change

NGO: Abundant Water
Country: Laos

Abundant Water is an organisation with the objective of helping people to access clean water and develop sustainable business opportunities. The aim of the project that SAFAD is supporting in Laos, is the improvement of health of rural people through the sustainable promotion of clay pottery water filters, an affordable solution to the lack of clean water in the area. Abundant Water manufacture and distribute these filters to local business stimulating also the local economy. For more information, please see the . 

Water sanitation hygiene

Country: Uganda

GOAL has been working on humanitarian programmes in more than 50 countries in the developing world since 1977. They work in several areas to ensure the correct development of the communities, from health improvement projects and education to immediate emergency responses. The project that SAFAD is carrying out with this NGO is the support of sustainable water and sanitation in Uganda, mainly through pilot studies, developments and study within potential communities to be served. For more information, please see .

Download a progress report on the work being undertaken by a SAFAD volunteer during his placement in Uganda

Comprehensive education programme

NGO: ORAP – Organization of Rural Associations for Progress
Country: Zimbabwe

The Organization of Rural Associations for Progress (ORAP) is an indigenous, culturally rooted movement for development. It is dedicated to the promotion of rural development in Zimbabwe. The project that SAFAD is supporting is a 'Comprehensive Education Programme', in order assess and evaluate the educating projects that ORAP had implemented over the past 10 years and guarantee the best effective education delivery within the communities.