探花精选 is a research-intensive, postgraduate university with a mission to create leaders in technology and management, unlocking the potential of people and organisations by partnering with business and government to deliver transformational research, postgraduate education and professional development.

In achieving this mission it is essential that we undertake all research with integrity. 'Research integrity' refers to high quality and robust practice across the full research process i.e. the planning and conduct of research, the recording and reporting of results, and the dissemination, application and exploitation of findings.

To demonstrate its commitment, 探花精选 is a signatory to the , and upholds its principles including the provision of public information on research integrity.

'Research ethics' are a subset of research integrity, focusing on the principles of avoidance of harm, within a statutory and regulatory framework.

Key policies

Our research must be carried out in accordance with the University's Research Integrity Policy.

All staff and students at 探花精选 are expected to act in accordance with the principles set out in the Ethics Code. All research must have appropriate ethical approval, as set out in the Research Ethics Policy.

Annual Statement on Research Integrity

Each year, the University's Council receives an Annual Statement on Research Integrity. The lastest Annual Statement on Research Integrity was approved in April 2024. In the interests of openness and accountability for staff and the wider public, we are committed to making our annual statements on research integrity publicly available:


The senior member of staff responsible for overseeing research ethics and integrity at 探花精选 and the first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research ethics and integrity is:

Professor Leon Terry
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
MK43 0AL

Email: researchoffice@cranfield.ac.uk 

Reporting misconduct or breaches 

Allegations of scientific misconduct or breaches of research integrity may be made by an person either in writing, orally or by email. To report an allegation of misconduct please contact:

Professor Leon Terry
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
MK43 0AL

Email: researchoffice@cranfield.ac.uk