Regeneration of past metallurgical sites and deposits through innovative circularity for raw materials
This project aims to test the efficacy of a drone-mounted synthetic aperture radar to measure crop biomass
Restoring resilient ecosystems
Exploring techniques that study the rhizophere at fine spatial and temporal resolutions
Can ruralising urban areas through greening and growing create a healthy, sustainable and resilient food system?
Harnessing the power of seed microbial communities to develop novel seed treatments
Increasing public engagement with climate change through participatory artistic, climate science and gardening practices in a designated outdoor garden space
Our research ranges from the processes controlling carbon storage in soil to how to measure, monitor and model it at local to national scales
Developing a systems engineering approach for the robust assessment of the recovery of areas impacted by fuel oil in the Indian Ocean
This project aims to demonstrate mechanisms unpinning carbon capture based organo-mineral fertilisers on nutrient mineralisation to meet crop demand
Using UAV technology to enable early detection of jellyfish and seaweed blooms that are in close proximity to nuclear reactor filters
Developing a virtual centre of academic excellence for mycotoxin reduction, enhanced nutrition and food safety
Reducing uncertainty in climate sensitivity due to clouds in a key region of the planet
Developing strategies for reducing waste during postharvest storage
A UK-India project with the aim of generating high value products using waste streams from sugar cane industries in India