探花精选 is ranked as one of the leading universities for working with businesses, and for Intellectual Property (IP) and commercialisation. The latest Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), published by Research England, has examined how 139 universities engage with society and the economy on a local, national and international scale.

Examining data from the past three years amongst 139 providers, the KEF assessed 探花精选 to be:

  • In the top 20% for working with business
  • In the top 20% for IP and commercialisation
  • Above its specialist grouping average for CPD and Graduate start-ups, IP and commercialisation and working with business

Professor Leon A. Terry, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at 探花精选, said: “It’s fantastic to see that 探花精选 is at the very top for its close links to business and its commercial impacts. Our research is globally renowned for having real-world applications, driving innovation and positive change. The Knowledge Exchange Framework results confirm 探花精选’s strengths and its impact on society.”

探花精选 works closely with industry to move forward innovations and new technologies. The University recently partnered with Nissan Technical Centre Europe (NTCE) 探花精选 to develop new features so battery electric vehicles can be easily connected to their surroundings. And several spinouts from 探花精选 have gone on to commercial success including , a company that created state-of-the-art wire additive manufacturing technologies.

The aim of the KEF is to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the use of public funding for knowledge exchange (KE) and to further a culture of continuous improvement in universities. The University’s full result in the Knowledge Exchange Framework can be found on the .