Contact Professor Weisi Guo
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 758304
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Areas of expertise
- Autonomous Systems
- Communications Systems
- Defence Info Systems
- Safety, Resilience, Risk & Reliability
- Systems Engineering
Professor Guo is the Head of Centre for Assured & Connected Autonomy. He is the Head of Human Machine Intelligence Group at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡.
He obtained his MEng, MA, and PhD degrees from the University of Cambridge. Since 2012, he has built an award-winning team at the University of Warwick (2012-19) and then ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ (2019-now). His research group has won the IET Innovation Award winner (2015) and been a runner-up in the Bell Labs Prize three times (2014, 2017, 2019).
He has been PI on £8.2m and investigator on over £35m of research funding, and was a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. He has published 160+ journal papers (total IF 860+) and 100+ IEEE/ACM conference papers, with over 7000 citations (h-index 42). This includes a Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Comp.Sci., and several cover issues in Royal Society, Nature Publishing Group, and IEEE journals. He currently serves as editor on several IEEE & Royal Society journals, and is a Full Member of the EPSRC peer-review college, as well as reviewing for UKRI FLF, ESRC, MRC, Royal Society, and Leverhulme.
Research opportunities
As human society is becoming increasingly inter-connected, human and machine intelligence is more closely interfaced than ever. Our networked society faces serious challenges from the human and natural world. My expertise is in connected intelligence, linking: data science, communication systems, and machine learning. My research designs data-driven solutions for socio-cyber-physical ecosystems. In particular, I am interested in how AI and information systems can be designed for specific challenging environments or tasks, whilst integrating human domain knowledge.
Current activities
EPSRC CHEDDAR: Communications Hub For Empowering Distributed ClouD Computing Applications And Research
(EP/X040518/1) (EP/Y037421/1)
CI (PI for host) Total: £3+8.5m 2023-26 Link-Hub Link-TMF Project [Active]
J. McCann (Coordinator), W. Guo (̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ lead), M. Imran (Glasgow lead), S. Zaidi (Leeds lead), H. Sun (Durham lead), P. Yadav (York lead), 20 other CIs .
Key Papers: [ORAN Network Stability, IEEE Globecom] [LLM-driven 6G Specification]
EPSRC TAS-S: Trustworthy Autonomous Systems: Security (EP/V026763/1)
CI (PI for host) £1.2m (Total: £3m) 2020-24 Link Project
N. Suri (Coordinator, Strand 1 Lead), W. Guo (Co-Director, Strand 2 Lead), C. May-Chahal (Co-Director, Strand 3 Lead),
P. Angelov, A. Tsourdos, G. Inalhan, D. Hutchison, V. Giotsas, C. Easton, J. Deville, L. Dorn
Key Papers: [Control Layer Security, IEEE VTM] [Adversarial IRS, IEEE T-IFS] [Low Shot Learning, Neural C&A]
EPSRC MACRO - Mobility as a service: MAnaging Cybersecurity Risks across Consumers, Organisations and Sectors (EP/V039164/1)
CI (WP lead) £122k (Total: £550k) 2021-24 Link
N. Ozkan (Coordinator), S. Li (PI for Kent), W. Guo, C. Long, A. Zagorecki
Key Papers: [Spoofing MA-DRL, IEEE T-DSC] [Private Federated DRL, IEEE T-ITS] [Fair DRL, Neural C&A]
EPSRC (iCASE with Thales UK) PhD Studentship: Human-Drones Teaming for Autonomous Rescue with Fast Reinforcement Learning (EP/X52475X/1) (2788094)
Supervisor 2022-27 Link [Active]
W. Guo (supervisor), D. Panagopoulos (student)
EC Horizon SAPHIR-READY - Obtain flight mission readiness, enabling rapid intervention for healthcare and critical infrastructure, leveraging all value chain actors and U-Space services (101114855)
CI (Total: €9.2m) 2023-26 Link [Active]
DSTL (DASA) Cognitive Multimodal Interface for Human Situation Awareness Augmentation (ACC6042032)
CI £295k 2023-25 [Active]
Y. Xing (PI), A. Tsourdos (CI), W. Guo (CI)
- BAE Systems PLC
- Leonardo S.p.A
- Saab UK Ltd (BlueBear)
- Thales SA
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council