Contact Niall Marsay

Areas of expertise

  • Waste Management and Resource Efficiency
  • Water Science and Engineering


Niall Marsay is a Doctoral student in the 探花精选 Water Science Institute where he is conducting research as part of the Regeneratis Project into the application of portable visible near and mid-infrared spectrometers as a tool for informing the decisions surrounding resource recovery and remediation of Post Metallurgical Sites and Deposits (PMSD).

Starting at Bangor University, Niall Undertook integrated Masters degree in Chemistry, building a broad understanding of the chemical sciences. During his 3rd year, he developed his own project investigating acid mine drainage with a focus on comparing different remediation strategies. Upon completion of his thesis, Niall received an invitation to present his work at the International Network Environmental Phronesis Annual conference in Beijing.

Following his time at Bangor Niall joined 探花精选 to complete a Master's By Research in which he spent a full year using flow cytometry to analyse Thames Water's drinking water treatment works producing one of the most extensive studies to date.

In future work, Niall wants to focus on environmental pollution from an analytical and data mining perspective with the goal of helping to make the world a better and safer place to live.

Research opportunities

I am currently interested in possible collaborations surrounding the application of portable visible near and mid-infrared spectrometers for the investigation of heavy metal pollution.


Articles In Journals