Contact Dr Tim Ferris

Areas of expertise

  • Defence Systems Engineering


Dr Ferris is from Adelaide, Australia. He holds:

B.E.Hons, Electrical and electronic, from University of Adelaide.

B.Th., from Flinders University.

B.Litt.Hons., from Deakin University.

Grad.Cert.Ed., in higher Education from Queensland University of Technology.

PhD from University of South Australia.

Prior to joining 探花精选 in 2015 he worked at University of South Australia in systems engineering and earlier in electronic engineering as a lecturer. Prior to his academic career he worked as an engineer in power line design with Electricity Trust of South Australia, and bore water equipment development with Morrison Court Pty Ltd.

Research opportunities

Dr Ferris is interested in the design of engineered systems to ensure resilience. This work involves projection of the system through its life cycle to estimate the challenges that the system may encounter through its operational life. The goal of this work on resilience is to ensure design of systems to provide the greatest possible delivery of the intended effectiveness of the system throughout its life cycle, at a reasonable cost.

Dr Ferris is interested in supervision of PhD students in projects related to system resilience, and system life cycle cost analysis.

Current activities

Dr Ferris:

1. Conducts research in systems engineering and its application, particularly in system resilience.

2. Supervises Masters thesis and PhD students. (He has supervised 10 PhD students to completion.)

3. Teaches in several modules of the MSc in Systems Engineering and is the Module Leader of the modules System Design and Realization; Dependability and Resilience; and Research Methods.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
