Contact Dr Sue Impey
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754062
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Areas of expertise
- Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
- Manufacturing of Functional Materials
- Aerospace Materials
- Nanomaterials
- Smart Materials
- Surface Engineering
Dr Sue Impey is a materials scientist with over 30 years expertise in surface characterisation and thin oxide coatings for a wide range of applications.
Formerly academic lead responsible for the management of analytical equipment for surface and materials characterisation at 探花精选 and resources, Sue delivered (March 2021) a significant investment in scanning electron microscopy for the University for the benefit of external clients, students and staff.
Research opportunities
Research activity and interests are in surface and interface engineering. In particular, the design of functional ultrathin films and coatings. enhancing service life of assets through surface coatings, corrosion protection. Current areas of interest are developing novel materials and processing techniques for applications in sustainability using electrochemical processes (next generation batteries and hydrogen electrolysis).
Dr Impey seeks excellent PhD candidates who are eager to learn and carry out research in nanomaterials, surface engineering, thin films, coating manufacturing development and component lifetimes. Information on fees and funding opportunities can be found at: /study/taught-degrees/fees-and-funding
We are interested to hear from you if you have an MSc (or close to completion) in materials science/engineering, physical/electro-chemistry, mechanical/electrical engineering, micro/nanotechnology, biology/bioscience or relevant thin film manufacturing and characterisation disciplines. For further details please contact Dr Impey or Dr's Aria and Chianella
Current activities
Previous and ongoing research projects include:
UKRI Innovate UK 133908: Flexible Electrochromic Windows with Photovoltaic Generation
HEIF/Tata Steel, Corby UK: Corrosion and Service Life Testing; pre-commission cleaning, commissioning, life prediction of pipeline materials for building and industrial services pipelines.
EPSRC/ Sophion Bioscience A/S Denmark: Measurement system to determine the mechanical properties of 3D printed hydrogel structures
EPSRC/BAE Systems: Structural health monitoring of composite structures using securely embedded fibre optic sensors and low cost COTS connectors
Aqua Holdings Ltd Ukraine: Environmentally acceptable corrosion and scale inhibitors in circulating open cooling water systems
Doctoral Research:
Novel technologies for the manufacture of promising new green materials such as biofuels and lactic acid
Protection of magnesium alloys from corrosion using magnesium rich surfaces
Thin Metal Films Ltd
Sophion Ltd
Tata Steel
Building and Industrial Services Pipeline Academy
BAE Systems,
Relevant previous clients include:
Airbus UK, Rolls-Royce