Contact Dr Simon Jude
- Tel: +44 (0) 1234 754295
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Areas of expertise
- Carbon, Climate and Risk
- Environmental Policy
- Managing Corporate Sustainability
- Monitoring and Environmental Informatics
- Natural Capital
- Water Science and Engineering
The complex interactions between the environment, infrastructure, and society, and the decision-making challenges and opportunities that they pose, form the basis for Simon's research. Many of these issues represent 'wicked problems', requiring new approaches to decision-making. To address this, his research seeks to develop and evaluate new techniques, tools, and technologies to support improved decision-making. This involves working with researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including environmental science, economics, engineering, computing and mathematics, and includes the use of mixed quantiative/qualitative methods and post-normal science approaches.Dr Simon Jude joined 探花精选 in May 2010 as a Research Fellow. Prior to joining 探花精选 Simon was a postdoctoral researcher working in the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research's Coastal Research Programme, at the University of East Anglia. He also spent a period in in the offshore renewable energy industry where he held a research and development role developing spatial analysis tools to evaluate and mitigate the risks associated with offshore wind energy and subsea interconnector projects. He completed his MSc and PhD at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia.
Current activities
Simon's research is highly stakeholder led and transdisciplinary, and broadly focuses on a number of areas:
Climate risk, adaptation and resilience - Understanding and overcoming risk, adaptation and resilience challenges, including those facing organisations, critical infrastructure operators and communities.
Developing urban observatories and living laboratories - Harnessing sensor technologies and analytics to better understand complex urban environments and aid decision-making.
Marine environmental risks - Understanding and managing the complex risks and trade-offs associated with climate change, marine renewable energy developments and marine spatial planning.
Until recently, Simon led the Decision Science Group, within the 探花精选 Environment Centre. He was also the 探花精选 Centre Manager for the Data, Risk and Environmental Analytical Methods (DREAM) Centre for Doctoral Training, which received funding from NERC and the ESRC, and leads the UKCRIC/EPSRC funded 探花精选 Urban Observatory.
Simon in a member of the Office for Environmental Protection's College of Experts.
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
- Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
- Economic and Social Research Council
- Natural Environment Research Council
- Marine Management Organisation
- Natural England
- Water Research Foundation
- UK Water Industry Research
- 础迟办颈苍蝉搁茅补濒颈蝉
- Connected Places Catapult