Contact Dr Salvatore Filippone

Areas of expertise

  • Computing, Simulation & Modelling


Dr. Filippone has an MSc in computer engineering and a PhD in Mathematics, both from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

Prior to joining 探花精选 he has held positions with IBM Co., where he was a lead developer of the ESSL scientific software products, and at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where he has taught introductory programming and introductory numerical analysis to engineering undergraduate, and advanced computational methods to graduate students.

Current activities

Dr. Filippone is the Leader of the "Software Engineering for Tchnical Computing" option of the MSc in Computational Software Techniques for Engineering.

He specializes in software to solve complex problems requiring sophisticated numerical algorithms that will stretch the number crunching abilities of a given machine to their utmost capacity.

Numerical Linear Algebra

Algorithms, Library Development, Applications

High Performance Computing

Parallel Computing Programming Environments, Distributed Memory Architectures, Shared Memory Architectures, Software Tools

Engineering Applications

Parallel Computing Techniques in Fluid Dynamics, Structural Analysis, ElectroMagnetism and Antennas, Optimization.

He is a member of SIAM and ACM, and is an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software; he is also a reviewer and evaluator of EU funded projects.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
