Contact Dr Matthew Healy
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Areas of expertise
- CBRN Focus Areas
- Counter-IED
- Test and Evaluation
- Human Factors for Defence
Matthew is Academic Director of the MoD CBRN Professional Education Program and Deputy Head of 探花精选 Forensic Institute Shrivenham,
Matthew started as an X-ray and accelerator physicist (and has been the profiled physicist in Physics World) but his remit has grown to encompass the wider issues of defence and security over two decades working with the military, the emergency services, government agencies and industry. His main technical field still encompasses nuclear and radiological weapons and security imaging, but extends across CBRN, IED's, surveillance, materials and forensics. Aspects to which he contributes include threat, planning, procurement and cost, response, forensic science, and policy.
Consultancy activities have included leading an SME team in a national CBRN detection procurement programme, developing search and interdiction methods and technologies, decision support following the Fukushima incident, performing CBRN vulnerability assessments for UK and foreign infrastructure, performing independent requirements capture, and assessing the cost of recovering from CBRN terrorism.
Current activities
A large part of his activity is creating bespoke short courses for defence and security clients and supervising doctoral research programs for senior professionals undertaking personal development. Matthew continues to develop X-ray imaging techniques, and researches everything from threats to effects, technologies, costs and policies associated with radiological and nuclear weapons, as well as keeping current in wider domestic and international defence and security issues. These activities are funded by a combination of civil and military government agencies and private sector funds.
Mathew has supervised PhD candidates through the following topics and contributes to half dozen or so other thesis committees.
Monte-Carlo modelling of radiation transport and interactions for imaging systems
The requirement and development of Audio Visual technology to support emergency response to CBRN Incidents and Hazards
Advanced Detection of Improvised Explosive Device Components
Enhancing ways of thinking and combining perspectives to gain increased insight into complex socio-technical systems.
Radiation survey in challenging environments CBRN classification for first responders
Stand-off sensing of radiological and nuclear hazards within defence and security
Medical preparedness for a nuclear detonation in major cities
Optimising search for radioactive sources in the urban environment
Radiological emergency response, imprecision and decision making
Forecasting terrorist attack and countermeasure effect by historical analysis
Nuclear intelligence
Building sustainable nuclear infrastructure
Matthew supports on average 3 MSc students a year, illustrative MSc projects include
An inter-comparison of CBRN detection capability
The immediate response to a dirty bomb
The commanders decision making process in a radiological environment
Use of genetic algorithms for non-invasive search
Much of Matthew's research supports teaching, for example:
Nuclear weapons policy and deterrence
Technologies, science and social science of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Wider technologies for security and resilience
Further research is conducted under the umbrella of consultancy, which has included
CBRN vulnerability studies
Construction of plausible vignettes
Developing models to guide the development of detection systems
Assessment and development of detection systems (not just CBRN)
Review of response exercises
Courses that Matthew leads or led
CBRN terrorism
CBRN Sensing
Hazardous Forensics
Nuclear Weapons Policy
Nuclear Hardness and Vulnerability
Weapons of Mass Destruction Control and Verification
UNSCR 1540 Enforcement
Technology of Resilience
Security Technology
Bespoke practitioner CBRN courses
Courses Matthew contributes to
CBRN Defence Science
CBRN Hazard Management and Decontamination
Ammunition Technical Officers
Explosive Ordnance Engineering
Battle Space Technology
Guided Weapons
Matthew is open to applications from candidates wishing to study research degrees. A MSc by research full time can take one year, an MPhil 2 years FT and a PhD 3 years FT 6yrs PT. The CBRN research group numbers about ten candidates including mature professionals and some Summer interns.
AEA technology
Burro Happold
Department of Energy and Climate Change
European Union
General Dynamics
Lockheed Martin
Nordian UK
Public Health England
Rio Tinto
SSM Sweden
Various unnamed financial institutions, governments and militaries.