Contact Dr Lloyd Parsons


Experienced leader of Executive Education, MBA and Post-Graduate Programmes, as well as leading Work Based Learning, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and Consultancy Services. Noted for Problem Based Learning as well as combining principles of Responsible Leadership and Sustainability to develop stronger and more responsible leaders of the future. Over 18 years' experience in the leadership and development of people, spanning a diverse range of employment from Military Service and Professional Sport, through to Financial Services, Consultancy, Medical & Pharmaceutical Industries, and Higher Education.

Research opportunities

With a varied and broad background, Lloyd's fields of interest for future research are in the following areas:

Decision Making - Further exploring and developing knowledge as to how leaders and managers make decisions in applied settings, and how "better" decisions can be developed and pedagogically taught in order to maximise performance.

Leadership & Management - Two heavily connected and interdisciplinary worlds that are of such critical importance to not only operational output and capability, but also to longitudinal success. I'm particularly interested in what effective Leadership & Management look like in Elite Performance Environments.

Talent Development - Connected to my interest in Elite Performance as noted above, I have always been involved in the training, coaching, mentoring and development of talent in organisations. I have a keen interest for furthering knowledge as to how Elite Performance Environments develop and foster talent for future capability and success.

Organisational Culture - Performance Organisations are lead and delivered by their people. I'm interested in what makes Elite Performance Environments attractive to individuals that put themselves into positions of hardship and sacrifice, as well as how organisations build and establish their own cultures, norms, practices and rituals.

Current activities

Dr Parsons completed his Doctorate exploring the concept of Professional Judgment and Decision Making (PJDM) specifically within Business Leaders. He now aims to further develop and publish his research into PJDM, as well as further developing a model of PJDM which has been developed using Military Metaphors as a method for teaching and conveying understanding to general audiences.

Lloyd is currently involved in teaching and leading a variety of modules within programmes operated by 探花精选's Centre for Defence Leadership and Management, supporting clients in the Middle East and around the globe in developing leadership capability across defence and public sector organisations.