Contact Dr Jun Wang
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Dr Jun Wang is currently a lecturer in materials science of Additive Manufacturing at the Welding and Additive Manufacturing Centre at ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡. She is also leading and coordinating the heavy structural materials research team and activities within the Welding and additive manufacturing centre. Dr Wang got her PhD degree in in-situ wire-direct energy deposition additive manufacturing from the University of Wollongong in 2020. Then She worked as an associate research fellow there from 2020 to 2021. After that, Dr Wang joined ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ as a reseach fellow in additive manufacturing in late 2021. Jun's research is mainly focusing on process, material science and performance of additive manufacturing, aiming to broaden the applicability and potential of w-DEDAM technologies, opening new avenues for its application across diverse industries.
Research opportunities
Wire-direct energy deposition
process-microstructure-property relationships in metallic alloys
exploration of innovative material combinations
New AM process development
Current activities
Her present research projects are:
• Ambitious design for high-pressure process equipment through wire arc additive manufacturing (Lead Co-I)
• Demonstration of microstructure improvement via combination of direction energy deposition and thermomechanical work (Lead Co-I)
• In-situ Wire-DED AM process development for high-performance bimetallic alloys (Lead Co-I)
• Cold wire +MIG Additive Manufacture (CWMIG) technology development for submarine materials (Technical lead & project manager)
• Rapid production of large-scale alloy structures through wire-arc additive manufacturing (Co-I)
Schoeller-Bleckmann Nitec GmbH
Innovate UK
GE Avio Aero
Naval Nuclear Laboratory
Rolls Royce
Henry Royce Institute