Contact Dr Jane Hodgkinson

Areas of expertise

  • Instrumentation, Sensors and Measurement Science
  • Sensor Technologies


Dr Jane Hodgkinson joined 探花精选 from the natural gas industry, where she was responsible for developing and testing new sensing technologies, particularly optical sensors for gas leaks. At 探花精选, Jane established gas detection laboratories and now leads this activity within the Centre for Engineering Photonics. The centre has provided an intellectually stimulating and supportive environment with a great deal of cross-fertilisation of ideas, so that we can borrow new techniques developed for one measurand and apply them to another.

Jane obtained her PhD in 1998 from the Optoelectronics Research Centre at the University of Southampton, working in a collaboration with United Utilities on photoacoustic and photothermal detection of trace chemicals in water. She gained her first degree in Natural Sciences (Physics, 1st class hons) from Cambridge University in 1989.

Jane chairs the Gas Analysis and Sensing Group (, a multidiscipinary, independent forum for discussion of gas and airborne particle sensing and analysis, which brings together manufacturers of instruments, sensors and components, academic research, major users and independent consultants. The organisation runs in the manner of a scientific society, hosting 3 topical meetings per year.

Research opportunities

Jane is working to develop advanced tools for optical gas detection with improved levels of robustness and lower complexity, aiming to move this important technique from the laboratory and into the field. This includes instruments based on tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS) in the near and mid infrared regions of the spectrum, plus lower cost non-dispersive sensors in the mid-IR and UV.

Current activities

Below is a selection of some of our research projects. Most of them have been performed in collaboration with some amazing scientists and engineers from different fields, based in universities and industry - see list of funders and collaborators.

- Use of diffuse optical reflectors in optical gas cells for TDLS to improve field robustness, ease of alignment, and a reduction in structured interference fringes, whih can cause performance limitations. This work included a study of the effects of laser speckle - a form of random interference experienced when using optical diffusers - and the use of intergrating spheres as potential multipass cells with extended optical pathlengths.

- Novel, compact pathlengths for low-cost NDIR using gold-coated, injection moulded optics. A non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) containing Jane's patented optics design was developed in collaboration by Alphasense Ltd and successfully commercialised by the company, for use in carbon dioxide sensing and later extended to methane.

- Non-dispersive ultra-violet measurement of formaldehyde gas, a volatile organic compound (VOC) found indoor environments.

- Ultra-low volume (a few mL) optical gas cells for use in the mid-IR region. The low volume allows two different modes of use. The first is to enable the use of very low (e.g 5mL/minute) flow rates in headspace sampling of small (a few mL) biological samples, such as faeces, with the aim of diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases. The idea is that low flow rates increase the headspace concentrations of volatile organic compounds, making them easier to deetct at parts per billion (ppb) levels. The second mode of use is that, for higher gas sampling flow rates, a fast sensor response can be achieved. This is important for example in breath analysis in order to make time-resolved breath-by-breath measurements of target gases, in the manner of capnography.

- Methods to improve the conspicuity of survival suits in marine search and rescue. The suits are designed to be worn by helicopter pilots when flying over the sea, in case there is an accident and survivors need to be rescued. Search and rescue can be considered an optical detection process performed by highly trained professionals, which is augmented by advanced lighting and imaging technology and the use of high-performance materials. Survival suits include retroreflective surfaces that appear bright when illuminated by the powerful searchlights mounted on search and rescue aircraft. This research also developed new methods to test novel suit designs in real-world scenarios in marine environments, and the effects of using such bright materials on pilot distraction within the cockpit.

- A new instrument to measure changes in the spectroscopic signature of bitumen in asphalt, which occur as a result of the ageing process. These signatures occur around 6碌m in the mid-IR, which is a challenging region in which to work because of the high density of spectral absorption lines caused by atmospheric water vapour.


Funding for this work has been provided by:

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

The Royal Society

Technology Strategy Board (TSB)

Alphasense Ltd

Geotechnical Instruments Ltd


Cascade Technologies Ltd.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
