Contact Dr Emma Collings
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Areas of expertise
- Agrifood Systems
- Food Quality
- Food Safety
Dr Emma Collings obtained an MSc by Research (2011-2012) in Postharvest Biology and Technology at 探花精选 (Bedfordshire, UK). She continued her studies at the same institute completing a Unilever and BBSRC funded Industrial CASE PhD studentship in 2012-2016, achieving Best Thesis in Postharvest (2016). Throughout her studies, Dr Collings gained expertise in fundamental postharvest physiology and biochemistry of fresh produce. She also acquired knowledge of controlled-atmosphere storage & modified packaging and obtained in-depth experience using analytical methods such as gas and liquid chromatography (GC and HPLC), and LC-MS/MS Q-TOF for measuring plant bioactive compounds and phytohormones. After completing her studies, Dr Collings continued her career at 探花精选 working as a researcher in the Plant Science Laboratory.
Current activities
Dr Collings' research has mostly focused on understanding the mechanisms for postharvest maintenance and improvement of quality and phytonutrients. This has involved implementing various postharvest treatments and storage techniques and understanding the impact on physiology and biochemical pathways. The overall aim of her research work has been to extend storage life of fresh produce, to reduce food waste, without compromising quality and flavour. Dr Collings has collaborated with a number of clients including BBSRC, Unilever, Innovate UK, Cobrey Farms and It's Fresh.
Innovate UK
Cobrey Farms