Contact Dr Derek Bray
- Tel: 07739382800
- Email:
Areas of expertise
- Aeronautical Systems
- Aerospace Structures
- Aircraft Design
- Autonomous Systems
- Flight Physics
- Gas Turbines & Propulsion
- Weapons Engineering
Dr Bray obtained his first class BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology in 1982. He was awarded his PhD in jet aerodynamics by 探花精选 in 1992.
Dr Bray has had industrial experience with British Coal, GEC Marconi Avionics, GEC Mechanical Engineering Laboratory and British Aerospace Space and Communications Division. He has been emplyed by 探花精选 at the DefenceAcademy of the UK (Shrivenham) since 1987.
Research opportunities
Weapon and aircraft propulsion, aerodynamics and structures.
Current activities
Dr Bray's interests include:
aerodynamics, propulsion and structural design of guided weapons, aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles
jet and cavity aerodynamics
external ballistics.
He was Course Director for the MSc in Guided Weapons Systems until recently but is now emplyed on a part-time basis..