Contact Dr Barmak Honarvar Shakibaei Asli


Barmak received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2013. Early in his career, he served as a Senior Lecturer at the Azad University of Urmia, Iran, from 1998 to 2009. From 2013 to 2015, he was a post-doc fellow at the Integrated Light-wave Research Group (ILRG) in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. He co-supervised two Ph.D. students in photonics and optics in ILRG. From 2015 to 2018, he was a research fellow in the Department of Image Processing at the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

He joined 探花精选 in October 2018 as a Senior Research Fellow in Intelligent Medical Imaging and Processing and Project Manager at the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing. He has published more than 35 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings.

His teaching and current research interests include signals and systems, digital filter design, digital image processing, medical image processing, and pattern recognition. He is an associate fellow of Advance HE, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Senior Member of OPTICA (former OSA).

Research opportunities

I am recruiting Self-funded PhD and MSc students in the following areas:

Medical Image Processing, Image Processing in Nondestructive testing (NDT), Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Electric Machines and Systems, Photonics Applications in Disease Diagnosis and Healthcare

Current activities

Barmak is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Digital Signal and Image Processing at the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing at 探花精选. He is a manager of the EPSRC project titled 'Distributed Intelligent Ultrasound Imaging System for Secure in-community Diagnostics (SecureUltrasound)'. His research is related to ultrasound image analysis, the development of efficient algorithms for image enhancement, ultrasound image segmentation, and feature extraction, and identifying an appropriate Cloud platform for prenatal diagnostics.




Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)

CBCI Society for Medical Education, St John's Research Institute (SJRI)

The Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences (UTIA)

Innovate UK


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
