Contact Atikah Binti Mohamed Hanifah


Atikah completed her MSc in Aerospace Vehicle Design at

探花精选 in 2018. Her individual project was on fatigue bearing performance

of bolted joints on CFRP composite following a push-through failure. She is

currently pursuing a PhD in developing electrically conductive nanocomposite

for aerospace application in the Department of Manufacturing.

Current activities

Atikah is currently focusing on incorporating hybrid nanomaterials such as graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) and carbon nanotube (CNT) in polymer resins to enhance electrical properties of the materials. These high-performance materials will be use as a coating on aircraft components for lightning strike protection application. Current common solution is to use metallic meshes, but the additional weight counterbalances the weight saving conferred by composite materials. An alternative solution is to use nanoparticles to improve the electrical conductivity of composite. Significant knowledge gaps will be addressed to ensure manufacturing with these materials are industrially feasible and easily scalable.