This course can only be taken as a Short Course for Credit.
Please go to the 'Upgrade to a professional qualification' section for more information.

This course will provide you with an understanding of electromagnetic propagation, antennas and devices relevant to military sensor, communications and electronic warfare systems.

At a glance

  • Dates
    • Please enquire for course dates
  • Duration10 days
  • Location探花精选 at Shrivenham
  • Cost£4,450

Course structure

One course per year. This 10 day course is taught by a mix of lectures, tutorials, demonstrations and group study. All course material will be made available online.

What you will learn

On successful completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the principles of operation and characteristics of antenna sensors and electromagnetic system components and recognise how they may be used in a modern military communication or EW system,
  • Identify and explain the various models of propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space and transmission lines,
  • Analyse and evaluate the performance of electronic warfare system components,
  • Assess the propagation of electromagnetic signals in physical environments,
  • Design antenna elements and develop phased arrays performance models.

Core content

Indicative course content:

  • Course introduction: course structure, aims and objectives,
  • Information resources: computer centre, library, information retrieval,
  • Propagation: radio propagation, reflection, refraction, multipath, fading, attenuation, ionosphere propagation, troposcatter, anomalous propagation,
  • Antennas: fundamental antenna concepts and definitions; impedance match, radiation patterns, directivity, gain, polarization, axial ratio, EIRP, effective aperture, noise temperature, etc.
  • Overview of antenna types for communications and radar applications including wire antennas, aperture antennas, reflector antennas, low profile and microstrip antennas,
  • Antenna arrays: introduction to phased array theory, types of antenna array, feed network design, beam steering and radiation pattern shaping,
  • Electromagnetic devices: high power tubes including magnetron, coaxial magnetron, Klystron, Extended Interaction Klystron and Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier,
  • Guided waves: waveguides, coaxial lines, microstrip and other RF planar transmission line structures,
  • RF and microwave power dividers, combiners and couplers active solid-state devices: RF diodes and transistors and their application in amplifiers and oscillators, ferrite non-reciprocal devices (circulators and isolators),
  • PIN diode switches, modulators and phase shifters.

Upgrade to a professional qualification

After completing this Short Course for Credit, 10 credit points can be put towards either the Communications Electronic Warfare PgCert, Sensors Electronic Warfare PgCert,  Military Electronic Systems Engineering Foundations PgCert, or Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc.

Find out more about short course credit points.

Who should attend

Designed to meet the needs of electrical engineers, and physicist’s at senior graduate and beginning postgraduate levels and those of practising engineers. This course may also serve as a primer for those wishing to transition into the subject of microwave antennas, devices and applications.


Location and travel

探花精选 Defence and Security (CDS) is a 探花精选 School based at the Ministry of Defence establishment on the Oxfordshire/Wiltshire borders.

Shrivenham itself lies in the picturesque Vale of the White Horse, close to the M4 motorway which links London and South Wales. It is 7 miles from Swindon, the nearest town, which lies off the M4 at the hub of Britain’s motorway network.

Bath, Cheltenham, Bristol and Oxford are all within an hour’s drive and London less than two hours away by car.

All visitors must be pre-booked in at reception by the person they are visiting on the campus.

For further location and travel details

How to apply

To apply for this course please use the online application form.

Read our Professional development (CPD) booking conditions.