The air quality and greenhouse gas assessment group perform high quality research that underpins evidence-based advice to organisations (private, public and NGOs) involved in setting and meeting environmental targets across society. Improving the quality and relevance of such information and the integration how it feeds into decision-making will be a major topic for some years to come. Atmospheric composition (including indoor and outdoor air quality) and climate are critical topics for citizens, governments, and employers as they grapple with increasingly complex decisions.

The atmospheric information group will develop and use new technologies, models and analytic tools. Our production and consumption systems interact with the environment in complex ways. We use and develop methodologies to quantify diverse environmental impacts along the chain of economic systems including food supply, sustainable aviation, and land use. We work in close collaboration with colleagues across the school and university, for instance in green aviation with SATM.

The Centre is housed in a new building, the result of joint investment of over £3 million from the Natural Environment Research Council, the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and 探花精选. This provides a focal point for research active staff, as well as being a shared home with the like-minded researchers at the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) based at 探花精选.

Key research areas

  • Air quality,
  • Emissions of greenhouse gases,
  • Ozone depletion,
  • Sensor and network development.

Our facilities and resources

  • Field sites (on a project basis) including in Malaysia, Ghana, Tanzania, 探花精选 campus, Wytham Woods, and a network of sensors in London,
  • Environmental analysis facility,
  • ,
  • ADMS air quality model,
  • 3D fabrication for small sensors.

Collaboration and clients

Our group has obtained funding from UKRI (NERC, EPSRC), the Newton Fund, the European Commission, Alphasense, and the Milton Keynes Catapult. 

We collaborate with leading universities and research institutions in the UK and around the world.

Research opportunities 

Our students thrive on producing the highest quality research, much of which takes place in collaboration with our international partners. Our excellent links facilitate our increasing demand for research students. 

We welcome speculative applications from students wishing to pursue their own research interest. If you would like to suggest a project of your own choosing please contact us so we can assign you a suitable supervisor.

Current research projects

  • core project of the
  • Investigating instrument response in a range of meteorological conditions
  • Harmonising and upgrading greenhouse gas removal consequential life cycle assessment (UP-Green-LCA)