We combine world-recognised expertise in weapons engineering and technology across a range of applications from dismounted close combat, air and air defence weapons, naval weapons system through to armoured vehicle systems.

We provide research, consultancy and a range of educational courses in weapon engineering and technology, and their design and dynamics including their integration. The weapons engineering capability extends through warheads and explosive, fusing and guidance, mounting and control, and delivery systems from rockets through to gun systems. We are also active in less lethal technologies and their applications. 

We have gained an international reputation for our work in the fundamental areas of weapons and vehicle design, and are active in providing research and advice for UK MoD and industrial customers.

探花精选 our research

Our research is highly regarded internationally and our academics are called upon to undertake progressive research projects and to provide impartial, expert advice on their subjects. Our approach to research and consultancy projects is flexible. While our main areas of research are defence and security, we often apply our knowledge to other sectors or to bring together multidisciplinary teams combining the skills of a number of academic areas.

Our research influences and informs the global defence and security sector. Forged through a distinctive blend of expertise, experience and facilities, we are leaders in defence and security research.

Working with us

There are a variety of ways in which your organisation can engage and work with us. We can provide real-world solutions that support and inform your operations, products and services. To highlight a few of the ways that you can work with us:

• Provision of expert advice;
• Sponsor a PhD student research project;
• Commission a research project;
• Collaborate on an research activity or project;
• Provision of support to a master's project;
• Commission a customised development programme, tailored to the requirements of your organisation;
• Commission a consultancy project. 


Clients and partners

We work closely with the military, industry and government departments to influence and provide leading solutions to major global defence and security challenges.

Examples of key business clients and partners include:

• RAF,
• Research Councils,
• BAE Systems,
• FCO,
• MOD,
• Chemring,
• AEL Mining,
• Honda.