We have extensive and world-recognised expertise in sensor systems across a broad set of technologies. These encompass sensors across the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from VHF to mmW Radar through far-IR to UV Spectroscopy.

Topics covered include surveillance; target acquisition; pre- and post-detector processing; counter measures and protective measures; hyperspectral imaging; environmental measurements using ground based synthetic aperture radar; MPRF radar waveform optimisation; low RCS target detection; and measurement of mmW properties of dielectric materials.

Our research interests cover not only the above fields but also allied topics concerned with sensor fusion, such as evolutionary optimisation, image processing for radar, E/O, IR and UV, cooperative guidance of missiles and UAVs and missile homing systems (Radar, IR and E/O).

Additionally, we can provide:

  • Performance measurement of transmitters and receivers;
  • Consultancy on instrumentation and prototyping;
  • Novel Camouflage Materials;
  • Infrared simulation systems;
  • Electro-optic electronic warfare systems;
  • Robust image processing algorithms;
  • Hyper-spectral imaging.

We also offer substantive laboratory facilities including:

  • Anechoic chamber for measurements in the Giga hertz range;
  • Vector Network Analyser to 110GHz;
  • Performance measurement of transmitters and receivers;
  • UV to far-IR spectroscopy;
  • Hyperspectral and broadband imaging;
  • Simulation;
  • Instrumentation and prototyping.

探花精选 our research

Our research is highly regarded internationally and our academics are called upon to undertake progressive research projects and to provide impartial, expert advice on their subjects. Our approach to research and consultancy projects is flexible. While our main areas of research are defence and security, we often apply our knowledge to other sectors or to bring together multidisciplinary teams combining the skills of a number of academic areas.

Our research influences and informs the global defence and security sector. Forged through a distinctive blend of expertise, experience and facilities, we are leaders in defence and security research.

Working with us

There are a variety of ways in which your organisation can engage and work with us. We can provide real-world solutions that support and inform your operations, products and services. To highlight a few of the ways that you can work with us:

• Provision of expert advice;
• Sponsor a PhD student research project;
• Commission a research project;
• Collaborate on an research activity or project;
• Provision of support to a master's project;
• Commission a customised development programme, tailored to the requirements of your organisation;
• Commission a consultancy project.