Director of Manufacturing and Materials and member of the University Executive
Mark currently leads the manufacturing capabilities at the University. He is Professor of Sustainable Manufacturing and Head of the Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Centre. He is also Co-director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials & Manufacturing, run in collaboration with the Universities of Warwick and Exeter.
Mark has a Bachelor of Metallurgy degree from Sheffield University and a PhD in metallurgy from Cambridge University.
Prior to joining 探花精选 in 2012, Mark was a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham. He set up the Castings Centre with a focus on technology and knowledge transfer of research into the foundry sector both nationally and internationally. In 1999 he created the Process Modelling Group after he was successful in his first EPSRC application on the Fundamentals of Investment Casting (FOCAST).
Before moving into academia, Mark held various roles in industry, including positions at Foseco, the AE Group and the Battelle Research Centre in Geneva, and he continues to have strong links with the metal manufacturing sector. In 2008 he won the Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (ICME) Oliver Stubbs Gold Medal for Knowledge Transfer in the Cast Metals Industry and in 2010 the University of Birmingham Josiah Mason Award for Business Advancement.
Mark is a Council member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, sits on the Industry and Technology Policy Board and is Chair of the Materials Science and Technology Division of IOM3. He was made a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Founders and a Freeman of the City of London in 2017.
Further information on Mark's work can be accessed on his academic profile.