You can find our most recent Sustainability Network blogs, talks, interviews with sustainability experts and clips showing our latest activities here.
New 'All in' podcast episode
David Grayson, Professor Emeritus at the 探花精选 School of Management has released a new episode of his podcast 'All In' with co-host Chris Coulter.
In the latest episode, Chris and David are joined by Karen Pflug, Chief Sustainability Officer at Ingka Group, the holding company that represent over 90% of IKEA’s retail operations.
After exploring Karen’s career journey, that has her recognized as one of the Top 100 global CSOs, they dive into the fascinating world of Ingka Group. As the largest retail franchisee IKEA, they work very closely with IKEA design and development teams to connect over 650 million customers in 31 markets around the world via their stores and online shopping experiences.
Leading for Sustainability article in Developing Leaders Quarterly
Dr Rosina Watson outlines the case for education for sustainability and the key competencies needed to successfully co-create knowledge and action for sustainability.
Sustainability leader wins Abbie Griffin High Impact Award
Dr Rosina Watson, Head of the Sustainable Business Group and Associate Professor of Sustainability at 探花精选 School of Management has won the 2023 Abbie Griffin High Impact Award for a research article about environmental innovation in business.
Sustainability in action: United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN PRME) - Sharing information on progress 2021-2022
探花精选 School of Management has been a signatory member of the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education since 2008, reporting biennually on our progress and commitment to educating responsible and sustainable business leaders.
Emeritus Professor David Grayson, Mark Lee and Chris Coulter interview the global Chief Sustainability Officer of Unilever: Rebecca Marmot
Building Partnerships for Sustainability United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN PRME)
“During 2019-2020, 探花精选 School of Management has formed collaborative partnerships, across the University and beyond, to improve the sustainability performance of 探花精选 and of the organisations with whom we engage through our research, teaching, consultancy, and operations. Through these partnerships, we contribute to achieving a more inclusive and sustainable global economy. As a trained environmental economist who also occupies a Chair in Environmental Sustainability, this is clearly close to my heart as well as my aspirations for the School”.
Professor David Oglethorpe
Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean of 探花精选 School of Management
Read our sixth communication on progress to United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN PRME) here.
Sustainable Business in 2021: Insights from our students
By Dr Rosina Watson, Head of the Sustainability Group
Over the past months, I had the pleasure of leading over 100 master’s-level Senior Leader apprentices through a Leading Sustainable Business module at 探花精选 School of Management. These students work for a wide range of UK employers across sectors including aviation, finance, healthcare, retail and agriculture.
Six lessons businesses need to learn in order to ‘build back better’ after the crisis
The threat of this pandemic has brought the fragility of our civilisations into stark relief. It will focus policymakers and businesses alike on the importance of protecting and strengthening the health of our communities and our planet. Unfortunately, Covid-19 is not the only threat we face...
Breakfast Speaker Series: Ideas, Insight and Innovation
Podcast: Critical leadership attributes for sustainability
How is ‘noticing’ and ‘sensemaking’ a critical leadership attribute when it comes to environmental and business sustainability? In this episode of Ask the Expert we speak to author, researcher and 探花精选 Associate Sharon Jackson about the importance of learning from the Covid 19 crisis to ensure lessons are learnt.
From the Game of Life to a new reality
Someone once said “Play is our brain’s favourite way of learning”. Here at 探花精选, having already participated in more than five simulation and educational games, I feel that knowledge is not only presented in the books but through these opportunities. Sometimes in a better way. 探花精选 is the best place to gain knowledge through interactive activities and the motto “transforming knowledge into action” is happening in most of the modules on the Master’s in Management.
Professor David Grayson's 'Now is not the time for half-measures' – remarks to Camarco Dinner at the Caledonian Club, London
“Society increasingly is turning to the private sector and asking that companies respond to broader societal challenges. Indeed, the public expectations of your company have never been greater. Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose. To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society. Companies must benefit all of their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the communities in which they operate.”
Professor David Grayson talks to Anita Hoffmann about Purpose
A short interview with Anita Hoffman, Managing Director of Executiva, a senior executive coach and search consultant working with Purpose led companies find the right people to affect change on today's big issues.
An interview with Emeritus Professor David Grayson CBE on his latest book ‘All In- The Future of Business Leadership’
David is Emeritus Professor of Corporate Responsibility. From 2007-2017, he was director of the Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Professor of Corporate Responsibility. All In draws on research involving thousands of experts globally as collected via the GlobeScan-SustainAbility Leaders Survey over two decades. You'll find it .