We are aiming to evaluate the drivers and barriers to the development of ‘co-opetition’ (business competitors who collaborate) and to develop a model to explain and predict situations where such collaboration is possible.

At a glance

  • DatesApril 2015 – July 2016
  • SponsorSupported by funding / investment from ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ School of Management
  • Funded£4,500

We are researching the potential benefits and obstacles to business competitors who are collaborating. This phenomenon, called ‘co-opetition’, takes place where rival companies come together, for example by sharing trucks and warehouses, for mutual benefits.

The research includes case studies and interviews with company managers, followed by workshops on campus to bring businesses together.

Two ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ academics, project lead Dr Vahid Mirzabeiki and Professor Richard Wilding OBE, are being assisted by Dr Andrew Humphries (SCCI) and PhD alumnus Dr Charles Stephens.