The Key Account Management Forum (KAM Forum) is a leading Centre for research and best practice in key account management and strategic sales.

Our Vision

With a track record of 25 years, we seek to continue being an internationally recognised expert in the research and advancement of Key Account Management (KAM) by creating and disseminating thought leadership that can be used by its members in their respective organisations in the pursuit of sustainable growth and positive impact with their most strategic customers.


Members benefit receiving insights and practical models that they can utilise as they seek to manage their most strategic customers.  Members engage in collaboration, networks and strategic alliances that enable them to access the latest thinking and practices, and thought leadership in KAM.

  • Priority access to research and best practice outputs
  • Access to online resources including webinars, reports, videos, podcasts
  • Attendance to quarterly meetings and the annual conference
  • Advisory services: Strategic KAM Consultancy
  • Involvement in research, master theses and doctoral projects
  • Certification in Key and Global Account Management
  • Corporate discounts for the Executive Doctorate in Business Administration, and the Executive Masters programmes
  • Corporate discounts across ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ School of Management Executive Development Programmes:
  • 25% off when attending ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡'s Key Account Management Best Practice and Strategic Sales Leadership programmes and other open enrolment programmes
  • 10% of all Executive MSc Programmes and International Executive Doctorate (DBA)
  • Applies to all employees within a corporate member organisation.

Research and Thought Leadership

The research agenda is jointly designed in consultation with members, and aims to respond to their key issues in KAM such as: 

  • Bid/tender proposal management
  • Working with the procurement function
  • Personal Effectiveness for the key account manager
  • The impact of technology in KAM
  • KAM strategy formulation and implementation
  • Creating and delivering customer value
  • The Future of Key Account Management

Forthcoming Webinars 

To be announced.

Forthcoming Conference (onsite)

To be announced.


Premium Corporate Membership

A membership most suitable for large companies with an established KAM function and sales force. Find out more.

Corporate Membership

A membership scheme conceived to support smaller companies. Find out more.

Individual Membership

Designed to give access to individuals who may be located outside of the UK, or who work as independent professionals. Find out more.

Some of our members include organisations such as...

Agileeto Ltd, Coswai Sri, Grundfos Pumps, Honeywell/Trend Control Systems, Jacobs, Karndean Design Flooring, Lindal Group, Luxfer Gas Cylinders, Pfizer, Royal Mail, Telleo Partners, Zenopa and Zoetis.