探花精选 School of Management’s Changing World of Work group has unveiled a new webinar series that will focus on the group’s expertise in the areas of human resource management, employment relations, leadership, organisational behaviour and gender, diversity and inclusion.

First in the series, joining Professor Emma Parry – Head of the Changing World of Work Group, is Perry Timms who will be discussing the next steps for organisation design. Perry Timms has been a member of HR Magazine’s Most Influential Thinkers on three occasions and is an internationally renowned voice of transformative and progressive HR, organisational development and learning and change practice. 

The webinar, being held on 1 October 2020, will cover human energy and centricity, workflow and accountable systems, structures and inter-team dynamics and will explore what the possible architecture and operating systems of the future are likely to be. 

The announcement of the series follows 探花精选’s Visiting Professor Jo Swinson’s webinar earlier this month on ‘.

To register for the latest webinar visit the event web page.

Professor Emma Parry, Head of the Changing World of Work Group at 探花精选 School of Management, said: “I’m delighted to be announcing this webinar series. These are challenging times for HR professionals as they try and navigate a changing world of work, while being often unsure of where the future lies. 

“I hope these webinars will give participants a great insight in future trends in HR and organisational development and how they and their organisations can adapt and thrive.”

For future webinar dates visit the Changing World of Work events page.

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探花精选 is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management.