Contact Professor Michael Arthur


Michael Arthur is an Emeritus Professor at Suffolk University, Boston, USA, and a Visiting Professor at 探花精选. He received the Hughes Award for Careers Scholarship, the highest award of the Academy of Management's Careers Division, in 2006. His book collaborations include The Boundaryless Career (1996), The New Careers, (1999) Knowledge at Work (2006), An Intelligent Career: Taking Ownership of Your Work and Your Life (2017) and Career Dynamics in a Global World (2020). His journal articles and edited special issues have also explored the context of contemporary careers from the perspective of nations, cities, industry clusters, occupations, projects, and career communities. He also writes on the topic of 'Career Ownership' for

Michael was an original developer of the Intelligent Careers framework, frequently referenced and researched under that title or under the alternative title of Career Capital. He continues to be an active contributor to both research and practice in the use of that framework. He also manages Intelligent Careers Group, founded to promote more effective career practices. In particular, he seeks to promote deeper career conversations between business schools and their students, and between employers and their employees in talent management activities. He can be reached at