Contact Professor Kevin Morrell


Prior to joining 探花精选 Kevin was Professor of Strategy at Durham University Business School where he also served as Associate Dean for Postgraduate Research and Director of the PhD programme. From 2017 to 2020 he was Director of the largest Research Centre at DUBS, the Centre for Organizations and Society. After this 3 year term he was appointed Co-Director of the Centre for Ethical Finance and Governance.

Previously Kevin was Professor of Strategy and Head of the Strategy and International Business Group at Warwick Business School until taking up a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship.

He has also held positions at the University of Birmingham where he was a Reader in Organizational Behaviour and at Loughborough University Business School where he was an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow.

Current activities

As the Rowlands Chair in Transformational Strategy Kevin helps companies successfully implement large scale change.


Touchstone Partners a boutique research consultancy commissioned Kevin to develop a model of shopper decision making ('6S'). They are interested in phenomena such as panic buying and how 'sticky' large-scale Covid-related changes among the public were.

Priority Bridge is a Pittsburgh-based tech HR startup who Kevin is working with to develop a culture benchmarking tool to inform change management.

During a prestigious British Academy Fellowship, Kevin worked for a year on a very large dataset at West Midlands Police (tens of thousands of public surveys, over twelve years). This placed new emphasis on the importance of neighbourhood visibility and procedural justice.

In an award-winning collaboration with Nicola Harrington-Buhay, Kevin's research helped the United Nations Development Programme develop a model of public interest in a post-war context.


Articles In Journals

Conference Papers
