This collection of stackable modules is designed for anyone who exercises leadership in their roles at work or in other aspects of their lives. Leadership can be exercised at all levels in organisations. It is designed to help you explore how you can take up leadership roles and what leadership means to you.
Working through this module we will be discussing to what extent leadership is an individual capability or a collective process. In the later stages of this module we explore to what extent leadership is universally applicable or dependent on the specific situation or context and look at how the focus shifts to the tensions and trade-offs involved in leadership work, ethically managing change and the leadership practices required for complex organisations operating in the never normal.
Throughout the course the aim is to critique paradigms, theories and concepts of leadership and their application in organisations. The course encourages self-assessment of your leadership qualities, styles, networks, and practices. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your leadership journey and to form a personalised learning framework for development.
Who is this for?
- Anyone who exercises leadership in their roles at work, or in other aspects of their life. It is designed to help you explore how you can take up leadership roles and what leadership means to you.
- If you choose to study past our Bronze, Silver and Gold badges, minimum criteria for the Postgraduate Award is an English language speaking IELTS score of 6.5.
How you will study
Our modules are fully stackable and self-paced, so you choose how much you want to learn and when.
Available stacks
- Bronze: 4 hours online, access anytime
- Silver: 6 hours online, access anytime
- Gold: 10 hours live online cohort based learning (live dates are every four months, split across two half-days at times to suit many global time-zones)
Our stacks offer reflection activities throughout which we suggest you allow additional time for, this is at your pace but our guidance is up to 8 hours for Bronze and up to 12 hours for Silver. This is your opportunity to apply your new knowledge and reflect on the impact it can have on you in your current and future roles.
Location: Online – a combination of always available, access anytime and live online.
What you will learn
Bronze – Self-paced
Award: ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Bronze Digital Learning Badge
By the end of your Bronze stack you will be able to:
- Critique the advancement of leadership thinking over time and describe how leadership theories and models are shaped by culture, sector and global challenges.
- Describe and appraise and concepts of leadership and their application in organisations.
- Compare different traditional and contemporary leadership paradigms and assess their relevance for current organisational challenges.
- Self-assess your leadership qualities, styles, networks and practices.
- Critically examine your leadership journey and begin to form a personalised learning framework for development.
Silver – Self-paced
Award: ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Silver Digital Learning Badge
Should you want to progress to our Silver stack, by the end of your study you will have developed knowledge enabling you to:
- Building on the paradigms on leadership covered in the Bronze module, how do these apply to your current and future organisational challenges.
- Examine the leadership capability required in differing organisational, cultural and international contexts.
- Contrast the different leadership practices required for technical and adaptive problems and appraise their relevance for contemporary organisational challenges.
- Evaluate how to enact leadership practices in complex contexts.
- Map your leadership network, and analyse the importance of power relationships, emotions, and political dynamics.
- Building on the self-assessment in Bronze, critically appraise your current stage of leadership development and what your next stage of development looks like.
Gold – Live Online
Award: ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Gold Digital Learning Badge
Taking your stack up to Gold level will deepen your knowledge and learning, enabling you to:
- Evaluate the key challenges, paradoxes and tensions and trade-offs involved in leadership work.
- Critically evaluate the role of leaders in ethically managing change.
- Evaluate different approaches to creating a context and culture that supports creativity, experimentation, innovation and adaptation.
- Appraise the importance of leadership to collective learning, collaboration, cooperation and collective action within and across siloes and organisational boundaries.
- Evaluate the factors and conditions that influence direction, alignment and commitment in organisations.
- Building on the self-assessment in Bronze and Silver, critically appraise your current leadership and what capability might be required in your next career move.
Postgraduate Award
Completing the Bronze, Silver and Gold ̽»¨¾«Ñ¡ Digital Badges within this stack alongside those in the Organisational Behaviour stack and an Integrated Assessment will earn you a Postgraduate Award in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour.
Purchasing a , will save you £194 on the individual stack purchase price - this earns you Bronze, Silver and Gold Digital Learning Badges in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour.
To qualify for the PgCert in Business and Management, three core PgAwards are required, which are:
- Making Sense of the Economy and Introduction to Financial Management
- Leadership and Organisational Behaviour
- Strategic Thinking and Strategic Management
The PgCert is a requirement for applying for a PgDip and MSc.
Postgraduate Certificate
This comprises 3 Postgraduate Awards.
Postgraduate Diploma
This comprises 6 Postgraduate Awards.
Master of Science (MSc)
PgDip, plus a thesis.