Contact Dr Hacer Sakar

Areas of expertise

  • Water Science and Engineering


Hacer graduated from Kocaeli University, Turkey with an BSc Degree in Environmental Engineering (2008). She has completed her MSc (2010) in Environmental Engineering in Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. For her master thesis, Hacer studied the Treatment of Textile Industry Wastewaters with Membrane Processes.

She obtained a PhD in Recovery of Ammonium with Membrane Capacitive Deionization Process (2017). During her PhD she worked as a Research Assistant in a Membrane Research Group in Gebze Technical University, Turkey. Her PhD study was awarded an International Doctoral Research Fellowship to study as a visiting researcher in 探花精选 (2016) where she worked for "Nanomembrane Toilet" project on membrane fouling.

Current activities

Dr Hacer Sakar has joined 探花精选 Water Science Institute as a Research Fellow in July 2021. Her research focuses on the demonstration of ammonia recovery from hollow fiber membrane contactors which is part of the EU H2020 NextGen project (, in collaboration with Severn Trent Water. The project involves pilot-scale studies on anMBR, coupled with a degassing unit and ion exchange columns for energy and nutrients recovery. The IEX Process allows the concentration of nutrients in the regenerant where they can be recovered as valuable products.


Articles In Journals