Contact Cristina Villena Munoz

Areas of expertise

  • Aircraft Design


Cristina Villena Mu帽oz completed her BSc in Aerospace Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid, with a focus on Aerospace Vehicles. Alongside her undergraduate studies, she worked as a research student at the Department of Materials and Aerospace Production concentrating on the assessment of aircraft components surface finishing. This allowed her to participate in the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference in June 2021 with a publication on 'Influence of Different Wavelet Filtering Reconstruction Techniques applied to Bidimensional Surface Texture Characterization'.

In 2021, she achieved her Master's Degree in Aerospace Vehicle Design at 探花精选, specialising in Aircraft Design for which she was awarded 'The Allan Newell Memorial Prize for the best work in Aircraft Design'. During her MSc studies, she worked on supersonic aircraft design such as 'A Conceptual Design Study of a 6th Generation Combat Aircraft. Tailless Aircraft Validation and Optimisation' and 'X-20 Javelin Supersonic Demonstrator Flight Control System, Secondary Power Systems and Emergency Devices Design' that led her in April 2021 into pursuing a PhD in Aerospace, precisely Supersonic Passenger Transport Aircraft Design.

Current activities

Currently involved in the EU Horizon 2020 framework project SENECA ((LTO) noiSe and EmissioNs for supErsoNic Aircraft) with partners including Rolls-Royce, DLR, and ONERA. The project aims to investigate future supersonic business jet and airliner design with a strong emphasis on emissions and noise.

Cristina Villena is a PhD research student at 探花精选 whose main area of research is Landing and Take-Off Noise and Emissions Assessment for Supersonic Passenger Transport Aircraft.


Conference Papers